Your Story Echoed Louder & Clearer

PRISM DigitalMedia crafts dynamic communication strategies to shoutout your unique story in today’s evolving landscape. Whether you’re aiming for consumers, current or future investors, industry bigwigs, or just about anyone else, we make sure your message hits right and gets you on the map.

Press Release Distribution Network

Connect your news directly with your investor audience. Premier news dissemination to Tier 1 financial and trade media including OTC Markets, Yahoo Finance, Benzinga, TD Ameritrade, Refinitiv Terminal, Factset, and more.

Newsletter Marketings

Gain more exposure with a feature in our daily or weekly investor newsletters. By spotlighting your company, we’re not just sharing news — we’re presenting you as a promising prospect in a market hungry for innovation and growth.

Email Advertising

Navigating the microcap arena requires strategic distribution. Deliver your news to our opt-in email distribution list of 600,000 active investors, High Net Worth individuals, funds and traders.

Sponsored Articles

Our specialized content service ensures your company remains at the forefront of trending conversations. Become part of the latest topic with our custom crafted value proposition articles delivered straight to the investor community.

AI Featured News Videos

From press release to AI-powered video news report. Our proprietary AI crafts engaging news report videos enriched with branded visuals, ensuring maximum reach both in our newsroom and on social media.

Peer Review Reports

From press release to AI-powered video news report. Our proprietary AI crafts engaging news report videos enriched with branded visuals, ensuring maximum reach both in our newsroom and on social media.

NOBO List Management

Unlock the full potential of your NOBO list. Transform silent stockholders into active participant and discover the secret to reaching retail investors directly—PRISM DigitalMedia makes your NOBO list a dynamic tool for real-time engagement.

Social Media Placement

Put your Company in front of our 100k+ social followers. PRISM DigitalMedia is the bridge between your press release and the universe of investor targeted social media. We don’t just post; we enhance your message with captivating images, informative infographics, and compelling calls-to-action.

Trending Videos

At PRISM DigitalMedia we tap into the pulse of the digital age, which is why we’ve partnered with a premier production company to produce Trending videos that resonate with today’s vibrant community of investors and influencers. We blend trending narratives with engaging visuals, increasing the likelihood of your content going viral.
